Some of the galleries and exhibitions where Rich's work has been shown.
One of my objectives is to have as many people as possible see and interact with my work. Afterall, saying something is much more effective if there are listeners. I do this through the traditional method of participating in physical shows and galleries. In addition, digital exhibitions online allow more people to see art than ever before in history.
I have now participated in more than 70 public exhibitions and gallery shows.
I have now participated in more than 70 public exhibitions and gallery shows.
Annual Sale and Exhibition
Members Summer Exhibition
Faces and Figures (24)
The Second Half
The Dark Side
Intensive Figure Drawing with Gregg Follender Virtual Exhibition 2024
The Color of Skin
Inside Small Exhibits
Rockland, New York March 2024 This exhibition called for: "Artwork inspired by each artist’s unique interpretation of the color of skin." In an ideal world, the color of skin should not matter. Accordingly, I produced a portrait on toned paper. She is a beautiful person, her skin color does not signify.
Annual Members Exhibition
New Year, New Art
Black, White and Grey
Any Art, Any Time
Blue Door Art Center
Yonkers, New York October 2023 The theme of this exhibition was shoes. My still life "Shoes and Flowers" juxtaposed a vase of flowers and a pair of high heels. The idea was to provoke the viewer into thinking what had happened to bring together such an unusual combination.
In the drawing "The Other Guy's Shoes," I took a rather satirical look at a pize fight from the perspective of the losing fighter. |
Sweet Life
Nightmare on Art Street
Autumn Landscapes
Spectacular Landscapes
KBM Gallery
Riverside, Calif. September 2023 My vision for this work was to present a polar bear swimming in a rugged northern landscape. In previous works, I had found that the blanche sur noir technique worked well in depicting moonlit landscapes and seascapes. I also thought that it would work well in drawing a polar bear. I liked the result and very much appreciate KBM Gallery selecting it for its exhibition.
Small Works
Blue Door Art Center
Yonkers, New York September 2023 This exhibition, dedicated to small works, allowed me to show some of my more intimate size works. I was very happy that Blue Door selected four of my works.
Abstract Art
Childhood Unmuted
Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut
August 2023 The prompt for this exhibition challenged artists to depict some of the universal experiences of childhood. In this blanche sur noir drawing, I show a child and her Teddy bear companion after the lights go out. On the bed is a book of ghost stories that she has apparently been reading.
Paint Your Heart Out
50 or Older
Hazy Crazy Days of Summer
Blue Door Art Center
Yonkers, New York July - August 2023 Blue Door selected three of my favorites for their summer exhibition.
Summer Feel
Gone Wild
Abstract is Abstract
Intensive Figure Drawing with Gregg Follender Virtual Exhibition 2023
Each year, the Art Students League of New York hosts exhibitions of work done by the artists attending its classes. This was the second year that I participated in the show for students of Greg Follender.
Spring Flowers
Flower Power
Street Scenes
Paradise Pink
15th Annual Members Exhibition
Rockland Arts Festival 2023
Reflections on the Hudson
Blue Door Art Center
October 2022 Yonkers, New York The Hudson River has inspired artists for hundreds of years. I have lived close to the Hudson for most of my life and I too have been inspired by its beauty and atmosphere. Therefore, I was very pleased to have two of my works depicting the Hudson selected for this juried exhibition focusing on New York's great river.
The Color of Nature
Summer Waves
Blue Door Art Center
August 2022 Yonkers, N.Y. I was very excited that Blue Door Art Center decided to include all of my submissions in their summer members exhibition. |
Small Works, Big Talent
Come As You Are
Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut
July 2022 The theme of this exhibition is the diversity of human body types. My blanche sur noir drawing "Contemplation" was selected for this juried exhibition and was selected for use in some of the publicity for the exhibition. (For an interview regarding this exhibition click here.)
OAC Members Exhibition 2022
Mirror, Mirror
One More Time
Blue Door Arts Center
April - May 2022 Yonkers, N.Y. In this exhibition, artists were asked to create art by recycling objects that were made for other purposes. My piece "Digital Bloom" recycles a number of found objects including CDs, a Venetian blind wand, frozen food trays and lumber scarps. It was then painted with acrylic paints. It celebrates Spring and the hope that comes with it.
Shine The Light
Bennett Vadnais Student Salon
Art Students League Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery/Online
March 2022 New York, New York I have been fortunate to attend two classes taught by Bennett Vadnais at the Art Students League. One was in person while the other was online. An ASL tradition is to have an exhibition in the early part of the year of the work done in each instructor's class. Two of my drawings were included in the in-person exhibition at the Harriman Gallery while my painting "Valentine Still Life" was included in the online exhibition.
The Subjective Portrait
Rotunda Gallery
February - March 2022 New Rochelle, New York Located in the impressive New Rochelle City Hall, the Rotunda Gallery presents several exhibitions each year. As the title indicates, "The Subjective Portrait explores the many varieties of portraits. I was very pleased that my painting "Young Woman In A Red Gown" was selected for this juried exhibition. See video of the exhibition. |
Intensive Figure Drawing with Greg Follender Virtual Exhibition 2022
A tradition at the Art Students League has been to have exhibits each year of work produced in its various classes. Instructor Greg Follender selected two of my works to include in the online exhibition of work from his figure drawing class.
14th Annual Members Juried Exhibition And Competition
Blue Door Arts Center
January - February 2022 Yonkers, N.Y. I was very pleased to have two of my figure paintings, "Autumn In The City" and "Lower Sixth" selected for inclusion in this exhibition.
Due to the omnicron outbreak in the New York area, I choose to have these included only in the online portion of the exhibition. |
Holiday Show
Art Students League of New York
December 2021 New York, N.Y. An annual sale held in the Phlyis Harriman Gallery at the League's historic building on 57th Street, showing the work of members and students.
I was particularly pleased to have one of my drawings "White on Black No. 4" on the wall of a gallery that has hosted works by so many famous artists. |
Annual Members Exhibition
Rye Arts Center
December 2021 - January 2022 Rye N.Y. Located in a wooded are just outside Rye's business district, The Rye Arts Center is a dedicated facility for promoting the arts.
My works included "Bridge at Stone Creek", which is based on a glimpse of a garden I encountered while walking. It appeared quite enchanted. "The Lost Necklace" is a stilllife centered on a mysterious piece of jewelry. Both works are acrylic paintings. |
Lost and Found
Ossining Arts Council
December 2021 - January 2022 Ossining, N.Y. This exhibition celebrated the re-opening of the Steamer Gallery in Ossining's historic firehouse.
My three works were a stillife "Cheese, Apples and Flowers," the landscape "By the Pond" and the expressionistic fantasy "Desperate Journey." All three works are acrylic paintings. |
Gallery Northeast
911 Remembered
Art Students League of New York
September 2021 Virtual Exhibition To mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the Art Students League presented an exhibition of works depicting the artists' memories of 9/11.
I was working in an office tower on 9/11. We had a clear view of lower Manhattan and the events as they took place. The magnitude of the disaster came to me, the moment when the South Tower fell. "After the South Tower Fell" (acrylics). |